Finally done with the CPY Mitered Shawl ! My sister Melissa modeled this for me as Anna is out of town AGAIN. If I had to do it over I would knit the smaller size I think. The colors are lovely. I used Merino Frappe'-Charcoal and Merino Stripes-Meadow Violets.
Tack och lov ! Färdig är jag med CPY Modulstickad Sjal! Dröjde länge att sticka tycker jag ! Så nu kan jag fortsätta med strumporna. Färgerna är så glättiga, solen skiner, himmelen är blå och vi har mycket att vara tacksamma över.
(Thanks Barbro and Melissa)

Ryan is almost finished with his oil painting of Kronosberg Castle. He just started this pastel from a photo taken on a 4H cross country ski trip a few months ago.
I think Jenny took the picture. It's great he's starting to look for photo ops. The Natural Resource program is the best thing that's ever happened to the kids. They have a great time and have met a wonderful group of friends.
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD
Psalm 31:24 NIV
(Bless you LJ)
1 comment:
Hi Karin,
Your shawl is absolutely gorgeous!
We hadn't thought to put Merino Frappe and Merino Stripes together in this pattern, what a great idea.
What size needle did you use?
Congratulations on a lovely job!
Susan at Crystal Palace
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