Next I think I would like to try the smaller shawl with Merino Stripe-Grand Canyon and some yet to be determined Frappe color.
One sock down and halfway thru the next.

"Where flowers bloom so does hope" Lady Bird Johnson
The longer days and intermittent sunshine brings a lighter mood. Common flowers such as "Forget-me-nots" or "Förgätmigej" are still beautiful when one takes the time to stop and look at them closely.
A pious legend told that the Christ Child was sitting on Mary's lap one day and said that he wished that future generations could see them. He touched her eyes and then waved his hand over the ground and blue forget-me-nots appeared, hence the name forget-me-not.
As a child I have fond memories of wandering thru the tall grass at my great grandparents homestead in Custer and being thrilled to see the cheery face of a "Johnny Jump Up" or "Styvmorsviol". When Ryan was young he called them "Johnny Jump Ropes" ! Funny what kids come up with.

" The Earth laughs in flowers " Ralph Waldo Emerson
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