Marc with Wennie in a Full Nelson ! He was playing with her one day and came up with this move. He didn't keep her in this position very long- don't worry !
His mother has determined that no Corgis were harmed in this demonstration.
I love Corgis !! The only drawback about them is that they shed like crazy. Well, they can be feisty little buggers too, little dog with a big dog attitude. It's rather embarrassing to pull your knitting out of the bag with dog fur imbedded in it!
I should carry a lint brush or mini dustbuster all the time ! She's a funny little thing. Dogs are the greatest, they are always happy to see you. They often bring a smile to my face.

Mill ends of Mountain Colors "Bearfoot" - lovely colors and very soft.

I'm trying to learn more Swedish. My sister Melissa is helping me by checking my little paragraph before I post this.
Idag var det jätte trevligt. Jag var ute med vännen Karen. Vi åkte till Mount Vernon och Burlington. Hon var så snäll att köpa middag åt mig. Vi gick till två garnäffarar. Så många olika sorter,vackra färgar, och texturar ! För presenter till mig köpte hon denna härliga Harrisville garn. De är syrenfärgad. Just nu vet jag inte vad jag ska sticka med. Att hitta precis beskrivingen ska bli roligt.
Tusen tack Karen !!!
She also gave me a few doves. I love to hear them cooing.

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you
Psalm 143:8
Thank you Melissa !
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