This is what CPY sent me as a gift. It's bamboo and wool. The colors are great. It's funny because earlier that day Karen was showing me the socks she knit with this same yarn. We had a nice time at the Weaving Works sale. When we got there at 10:10AM the store was already crowded. Made a beeline to the Koigu as a dear friend requested I buy her some. I think I used amazing restraint by ONLY buying 3 skeins of Koigu. I was so tempted by Mountain Colors and more but I remained a rock ! A lady behind me, when she saw the bag of Koigu, said she bought $300 worth of it last year ! We stopped at Village Yarn and Tea on our way north and then Karen treated me to lunch again at Canyons. Thank you Karen !! Thanks also for the cute black sheep tape measure ! I like collecting sheep of a different color !

"Min son Marc är mycket duktig fotbollsspelare. Han tycker mycket om det. I höstas gjorde han 16 mål och ett antal assists i "Recreational Soccer League". Fotot var en fund raiser för Snohomish Youth League. I vår har han spelat i gymnasiets Lag C och gjorde 15 mål och 9 assists. Laget är obesegrat 14-0 ! Mor är mycket stolt över honom."
Tack Herr Nattuggla !
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