One of those weekends where nothing much happens. It's still chilly but the sun peaks out now and again. The boys cleaned out the van for my Mother's Day present. Will be great to drive to work in a car that doesn't seem like a trash can on wheels ! Anna gave me a latte' card. A much appreciated gift also.
I love this picture of Gromit !
Started a very simple shawl with the Ullcentrum yarn that Irene so kindly sent. Will be fun to see how the colors come out in it !

More playing around with CPY Merino Stripes "Grand Canyon" and "Sierra Moss"
I never thought I was really a geometric type of person but this has been fun. Someone said Domino/Mitered knitting is addicting and I believe them now !

"Nu består tro, hopp och kärlek, dessa tre, och störst av dem är kärleken" (1 Kor 13:13)
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