Lucent Evening
Watching silent ripples play,
And ebbing waves dance,
I sit by the placid sea,
Lost in mesmerized trance.
Soft dabs of colour,
On distant walls of horizon;
A thousand auric shades,
Painted by the setting sun.
Collage of unsung melodies,
Resonate across the evening sky;
A lone sail in deep sea,
With masts full open, passes by.
Mystic breezes carry in,
Fragrances from the past;
Forgotten memories come fleeting,
Even as time slips in haste.
I wish time stood still,
This moment it would spare;
But some things are not meant to be,
And life goes on, wonder where.
Written by Ritesh Nair

I worked on my Ullcentrum shawl and this "Appaloosa Hat".
I found the pattern on (to make this Nordic they sell all Dale of Norway yarn !). I changed the pattern to try and match the colors of DC, my mini Appy. I was going to embroider his official name on there but " Storm of the Century " is too long ! I'm going to try and duplicate stitch his Leopard spots on to finish. When he was born he had alot of black on him but he has the "greying gene" which means he will eventually turn all white except for the large dark spots.

Kids knits

Wild strawberries or Smultron came up thru the broken concrete patio

Sweet Mock Orange
1 comment:
I really enjoyed meeting you tonight and also meeting Irene. Thank you so much for bringing her and coming to my home for an evening of knitting. I also loved you very special shawls and seeing your current project.
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