My Great Step Aunt Peg was the one who introduced me to needlework. She was always hand sewing us dolls, stuffed animals, ornaments, creating advent calendars, crocheting sweaters, and embellishing all with embroidery when need be. She gave me my first embroidery kit when I was in grade school. A simple lion on burlap type material. From then on I was hooked. She would take us girls one at a time downtown for a special day at the Fredericks Tea Room and shopping. She can't knit and I can barely crochet but we both love handiwork. Thanks Peg for being a special part of our lives. All the ornaments, dolls, stuffed animals, she had made for me were lost in our house fire of 2001. Those and letters from beloved grandparents were the things I mourned most. The rest was just "stuff". My sister just gave me a bag of Peg's ornaments that came from my mother's collection. I was so happy to put them on the tree this morning.

Bert the cockatiel having his annual Xmas picture
in the tree.He's over 15 years old and just a sweetheart.
I love the photo of Bert!
My cockatiel Tintin is 8 years old and quite the talker (he has malformed feet and so doesn't move around easily, I think the talking is compensation) but I think he will be scared of the tree when we get it up.
Your Christmas ornaments are my kind of ornaments! They are lovely!
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