I ADORE these designs!
Sirkka Kononen, Finnish Artist and Knitwear Designer, is
absolutely phenomenal. Look at the wonderful use of color. Hopefully the Nordic Heritage Museum can bring her over for the Nordic Knitting Conference in October of 2007. I am so excited about this Conference. Besides Sirkka, Vivian Hoxbro and Elsebeth Lavold have expressed an interest in coming. They are looking into getting someone from Iceland and Norway too.
Thanks everyone for their encouraging words about this project especially Virginia, Carol, Suzanne, Susanna, Charlotte, and Marianne !
I found your blog today and your mention of Sirkka Kononen's knitwear. Are there pattern books by this artist with some of her patterns for handknitter's? Such beautiful color combinations! Also, you mention the Nordic Knitter meeting in October 2007..is there a website with some more details on this event? Thank you, CP
There are no pattern books for this designer yet that I know of.
The designs in the photos are offered in her shop handknit.
One can buy some kits offered thru Pirkka. These tend not to have the detail the shop ones do.
Go to www.oneofsusannas.com under Yarn Harlot mitten for ordering information.
We have Nordicknitters@yahoogroups.com or you can go to the museum website
Thanks for visiting my blog !
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