The east side of my new little home situated on three acres.

I am the crazy person who's first priority is to fix up the barn ! Tim jacked up the north side and the roofers are working on it this week. I'm assuming it was built around 1914 when the house was.
I always wanted an old barn like the one on my great grandparent's homestead in Custer. I loved playing in the hay bales with my brothers, the heart shaped face of a barn owl peering down upon us from the rafters. Never in a million years did I think I would actually own one. Helluva way to get one.
My "Nightmare Before Christmas" tree which I think is an ex cherry. I've planted the climbing rose "Paul's Himalayan Musk", Golden Hops, and Clematis Montana at the base hoping they will cover it in a blanket of color in years to come.

The previous owner planted lovely flower beds. The red Monarda (Bee Balm) is very popular with the hummingbirds. Last Sunday I sat under the mountain ash for an hour watching them dive bomb each other and zoom from flower to flower.
"I feel the breath of the summer night,
Aromatic fire:
The trees, the vines, the flowers are astir
With tender desire."
-Elizabeth Stoddard
Beautiful sunsets (which are hard to capture on an inexpensive digital camera !)
Mari and her kid Marc.
She's discovered that the new fountain/birdbath provides her with another means of refreshment during these hot days !

The barn has a henhouse so the next logical step was to get two bantie hens and twelve eggs for them to sit upon, which they did with fierce determination. Twenty one days later these cute little Silkie chicks made their appearance.

I love living here.
I love to see that you have a new home with excellent feelings!
Wonderful photos, thank you for sharing.
Greetings from Germany
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