Saturday, June 06, 2009


It's been a stressful few months. It was too hard to stay in a home with so many memories with bad, overtaking the good. I decided to start a new chapter in my life by selling my home of 24 years. They say your home looks the way you've always wanted it when you've finished it to sell. No kidding.

My little red house which I always hoped looked a little bit Swedish !

The cottage style green house built from old windows

Ryan did a wonderful job refinishing the pine floors. Many thanks to Anna,Ryan, Marc, family,friends/hired hands Cindy and Tim for everything they did to whip this place into shape. The transformation was astounding.

A very excited young couple is buying it for their first home.

A new adventure starts with the purchase of a small 1914 farmhouse and barn on three acres. In the mad rush towards the end of packing, my camera was put in an unknown box in the very full garage, so no pictures of this place yet :(
More later............


Therese said...

Wow! A big change, but probably a good one. Sometimes moving can be just the ticket to shedding baggage we didn't even know that we had accumulated. Congratulations on the new house!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I feel a whole new world has opened up !