First of all many thanks to Tuulia for this gorgeous Laminaria shawl which she dyed, spun, and knit for me. Tusen Tack ! I LOVE it. She is a very talented designer of knitwear. Check out her Ravelry page !
(Photo courtesy of Knitlob's Lair)

Saturday night was the banquet where Katarina was the guest speaker. I knew she designed for IKEA, Linum, Rörstrand, Svensk Slöjd, etc., but I had no idea the breadth of her work which has also included working with fashion designers from Europe and Japan, plus much more. Most of the textiles I've bought from IKEA are designed by her. I would love to get my hands on some of her porcelain pieces ! The power point presentation was amazing ! I so hope she can be brought back to teach some of her Swedish traditional classes and it would be fabulous if the museum could have an exhibit of just her work. I wish I had a picture of the wedding dress that she and her design partner created for the DoRedo project out of 24 white sweaters from the Salvation Army. Wow ! (Photo courtesy of Svensk Slöjd)
Many thanks to the Nordic Heritage Museum, especially Charlotte (my fiber workshop enabler !), for bringing this all together. It's been a truly amazing experience.
Sunday was Modern Icelandic Lace with Evelyn Clark. Thank goodness Karen and Alex were flanking me to help fix all my mistakes and get me back on track. Evelyn had a turn at my sampler also ! She is a fantastic teacher. She brought all the Icelandic samples she has knit plus one shawl she bought off of Ebay for less than $20 I believe. Fleece and handspun examples, Icelandic knitting books, plus a DVD were also displayed. She took us on a little field trip to see the Icelandic lace pieces in the museum. Jätte kul !

Karen showing off her sampler. You have been so kind to me and your infectious personality makes me forget my sorrows for just awhile.

Thank you Donna for this lovely little heart. It's so sweet.
Off to pack some more ................
Of any stopping place in life, it is good to ask whether it will be a good place from which to go on as well as a good place to remain.
Mary Catherine Bateson
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