Sunday, November 11, 2007

Just spent the morning setting up a new group on Ravelry called "Wermland Sticka" Within two minutes a woman from Germany joined ! I'm looking forward to meeting people thru there and seeing their projects. Ravelry is the greatest !!!!

Here is the progress on my Faroese footlet. It's hard being brain dead. I just couldn't grasp how to get the pattern going on the sides. I'll have to make the same mistakes on the other one so they'll match ! It feels very nice with the Ultra Alpaca and Barbro's homespun. I hope it fits !

Finished my simple Ullcentrum Shawl. The yarn was a gift from Irene. Thanks again !!

The shawl pin didn't show up very well in the last post so tried again. Here's the link to see more of her lovely creations.
  • Karin's Designs

    What would I do without friends and family..............

    The Gift Of Friends
    by Karin Schaefer

    There are days when
    bubbling from us comes
    the innocent child within,
    who giggles at the little things
    and wears a silly grin.

    There are days when
    melancholy comes to
    visit for a while;
    the mind feels tired, the body weak;
    we have no strength to smile.

    There are days when
    joy abundant
    grabs a hold of you and me;
    wraps us up in all it's splendor,
    lifts us up and sets us free.

    There are days when
    sorrow wraps us
    in its cloak of grief and fear,
    'till our hearts ache to the breaking,
    'till our eyes can't shed a tear.

    There are days when
    love bestows us
    with its wonderment and light;
    with its beauty and its mystery,
    its power and its might.

    And there are days when
    life rewards us
    and seems to make amends
    by granting us a marvelous gift,
    the precious gift of Friends.
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