Took Ryan down to Snohomish for his art class and discovered I'd FORGOTTEN my knitting ! Do I drive ten miles roundtrip to pick it up or pop into the local yarn shop ? Stopped at Country Yarns and had to buy a skein of Wool in the Woods Cameo (Rayon) "Rainforest" and the needles Theresa recommended - High Polish Clover Bamboo.
They feel so much nicer than the regular needles. Since my brain capacity has greatly diminished I asked for a simple scarf pattern. She suggested this K2tog and YO.
Svenska färger !! Not sure why they call this "Rainforest" as there is very little green, at least in this skein. Still, it feels nice and the color is great.
Hi Karin--
I am desperately seeking wool in nthe Woods Cameo Rainforest like you have on your site. I nee about half a skein, maybe less to finish a project. I have been searching the net for WEEKS unsucessfully. Would you have any in your stash you would sell?
I'm sorry I used my skein up. I bought this at Country Yarns in Snohomish, WA
You could call Teresa and ask if she has any left. You never know, she might !
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