The house facing west. My sister thought it looked like a one room schoolhouse when she came over the first time. There isn't any special architectural detail, perhaps what little it had was stripped during the approximately 1950's remodel.
The new roof on the north side. This barn looks so much better now. Need to find the before pictures. So glad this is done so there isn't any chance of it collapsing in a heavy snow next winter. Have to decide whether to paint it the typical red or be more adventuresome. I'm having fun looking for "barn art" such as this old plow horse harness.

Ryan, Marc, and I are working on the floor on the north side so we can have shelter for the minis, DC and Sherman, who are being boarded at Cindy's. I can't wait to see them galloping in the new pasture ! The floor is in really bad shape due to the roof leaking for many years. Ryan is trying to reuse what he can and build a divider for the stall area.
Marc and I have been trying to level the dirt between the hand hewn floor joists and have found a few items of interest. Of course he can't stop goofing off to get a regular picture !
Also, this mysterious iron implement.
What could it be ?
Going thru this restoration is SO COOL !!!!!!!!!
The barn ghost made an appearance ! Marc tried throwing himself in view as I was trying to snap a picture of the floor.
Ry hard at work. It must be old growth cedar as he's finding it really hard to pull nails. Two broken hammers attest to that !
Wennie surveying the scene.

It's been a very warm summer. Only got one raised bed weeded which was planted with eggplant, zucchini, lemon cucumbers, tomatoes, and three kinds of potatoes.

Fresh eggs, two of which are blue ! The two hens are half "Easter Egg" chickens which can lay pale green, blue, cream, or pink eggs.
This beautiful poppy self seeded next to the house.

Nothing new fiber wise. In January an older woman brought a box of books to sell at the Knit Cafe'. There was a very audible gasp when she pulled this out. OMG, it's an Icelandic mitten book published in 1981 by the Icelandic Handicraft Society. This book is scarcer than hen's teeth !

ur farm so fantastic.
that's great to read ur blog.
it's really wonderful story.
i love it.
what's ur name?
I'm AUN.
Nice to meet you.
It's so nice of you to stop by !
My name is Karin and I live in Snohomish, WA
Nice to meet you too !
I'm enjoying my new home very much.
Hi Karin,
I love your web blog. You have great taste and interesting interests. So sorry to hear about your loss of Mari. She must have been a lot like my Flicka (young Border Collie rescue). I'm spending New Year and most of January in Wyoming. Hope to get out and see you and the farm this spring. It would be fun to make some music together again too.
Best wished for a very Happy New Year.
-- Love, Dave
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