It has been quite painful to look about my home of late and try to decide what to do. It's been a part of my life since 1984, loaded with many memories both good and bad. Can I afford to stay here, do I have the mental strength, can I take care of it ? First in order is to fix it up in either case. Lots of conflicting emotions. I wish there was an easy answer................
Your heart says stay and battle the pain, but your mind says leave for all this isn't needed, broken into pieces for that one an only. But follow your heart because the heart can only take so much.
Jamila M. Allen
Hired friends Cindy and Tim to start chipping away at the many, many projects that need attending to.

The kids have been helping with the dejunking and yard work. Marc got carried away with the pruning here ! It was a 20 year old overgrown honeysuckle. He got tired of using pruners and started hacking away at it with a Civil War reproduction sword. Oh my, that was a shock to come home to !

I have many things to be thankful for and need to remind myself at times like these.
Caring family, friends, and coworkers, loving children who make me laugh when I don't feel like I can anymore, a roof over my head, a wonderful job which I wouldn't trade for the world, and so much more.
We are so often caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey, especially the goodness of the people we meet on the way. Appreciation is a wonderful feeling, don't overlook it.
Source Unknown

I am drawn to this pair of Latvian mittens from the exhibit. It's faded appearance evoking thoughts of times past.

Purchased this lovely Jacob/Romney fleece from
Katie who was having a little destash sale.
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