They are not only yours; the beautiful changes
In such kind ways,
Wishing ever to sunder
Things and things’ selves for a second finding, to lose
For a moment all that it touches back to wonder.
Richard Wilber

It is a quiet weekend. The kids left over a week ago for their annual 4H trip to San Juan Island. The sun has finally decided to shine more than one day in a row. The temp is perfect with a slight breeze. Went about the yard this morning taking pictures of some of the roses. If these roses can grow in this very neglected yard with little care they have to be some of the hardiest ever for this area.

Inga still makes me smile. She was in the shop for some major overhauls but she sounds and drives alot better. Between two cars there has been around $7,000 (choke) in car repair bills in the last six months. Just when you think there can't be any other major thing to go wrong it does :(
Driving around with her I've had people flash peace signs, honk and wave, call her a classic. With the "Slug Bug no hits back" when kids see her they start pummeling each other, here in the driveway or out on the road. I have never named a car before but here she is. People at work think she's very cute and ask about her almost daily. Just had to buy this license plate holder at the museum. I'm nuts over Sweden !

Mari, our eleven year old Lab/Whippet mix. I picked her up at the pound when she was around six months old. She was emaciated and shivering in the corner with her sad brown eyes. The vet figured she'd been abused,abandoned, and had resorted to eating manure to survive. She was very sick. I used to say she would be the best dog ever if no one came to visit. She was very nervous and unpredictable when anyone came around. She has mellowed quite a bit the last few years. It took almost nine years for that to happen. She loves "her kids" and is ecstatic when they wake up in the morning or come home from being out and about. She still plays like a puppy despite the gray around her muzzle. She takes after the Whippet side, certainly not the Lab side. She's very ladylike and water is only fit to drink, not to play in. Her silly names are - Mari Woof, Martita, Mari Woofer Woof, and Mars Bars.

The latest skein using BFL from :) Kristin.
I was up at 7AM and after making coffee headed right to the wheel !

I have not done much knitting. I am so embarrassed by all my UFO's that one day will pull them all out and count to perhaps, shame me into finishing them. My next life I'm coming back as an organized person
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