My acupuncturist and health coach Dr. Martin has been after me for three months to give up coffee. WHAT Doc ? I'm half Swedish and I live in the PNW ! You're killing me here. It's sacrilege to even broach the subject ! For the greater good I acquiesced, but I sure do miss a good hot cup of coffee, especially on a cold and snowy day.
Spring Hope (A Rispetto)
As sky turns blue in early spring
with warming sun of nature's call
the earth in thaw begins to sing
and rumbles sprouts both big and small.
When first they come full bursting through,
all bold and green in their debut;
such innocence of fresh new life
brings hope to man through earthly strife.
Pamela A. Lamppa
Cindy and I went to Karen's for a knit and spin night a few weekends ago. Cindy had shaved the heads of a few of her yearling miniature horses and saved the hair. It's very soft and downy. Karen is spinning some here. It might have to be blended with wool for optimum results. Fun though to think we might have mini yarn to knit with.

Ryan's lastest oil painting is of a Pintail. He enters the Junior Federal Duck Stamp contest every year but this will be his last. Perhaps he will continue in the Adult Division. Wow, for a kid who doesn't spend much time working on his craft he does pretty well.
Hi Karin!
I don't agree with your healt coach.Coffé is good for you, and I woold never survive whitout two large cups every day.Well, there are some very tasty teas too.
I love your pictures.They make me happy.
If I didn't have coffee I'd knit a LOT slower. :) LOVE the Sirkka Könönen mittens on your Rav page. (Came to your blog from there...) Lovely lovely stuff.
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