Was so surprised to wake up yesterday morning and see an inch of snow covering the yard. I think it's the first time I've seen snow in April in my lifetime here. Yes, I'm a rare native Washingtonian ! Hail, Emmet Watson ! Sunday I spent some time taking pictures in the yard appreciating the beauty of the day.

This is the cupboard again painted by my mother years ago. I now use it for my yarn stash. The decorative sunflower like design is quite cheery.

"The better part of happiness is to wish to be what you are."
Desiderius Erasmus
Hi Karin.
My name is Ulrika and i want to have contact with anyone in your Seattle nordic knitters group who´s intressted to have some one to mail with etc.
Hope for luck.
Best wishes Ulrika from Hammarö.
My mail jagjag47@hotmail.com
Gorgeous scarves! Where did they come from?
The scarves came from Sirkka Kononen's shop in Finland.
They are beautiful !
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