"Men's courses will foreshadow certain ends, to which, if persevered in, they must lead," said Scrooge. "But if the courses be departed from, the ends will change. Say it is thus with what you show me!"
- A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens

Marc and Anna cutting our tree. Marc looking very fashionable in shorts and friend Elizabeth's coat ! He lives in shorts year round, has since a young child. People are quite puzzled why I "let" him but he's happy.

Multidirectional diagonal scarf I made with two of my favorite yarns
Farmhouse Lumpy Bumpy
and Berocco Ultra Alpaca
Found the pattern on Ravelry.com
The colorway is "Autumn" but it looks very Christmasy to me. Just noticed I didn't finish it properly. Oh well....
B&B holiday party was last week at Charisa's house. Didn't get a picture of her at the party so grabbed this one off her Ravelry profile. Was very fun and as always great to see other peoples projects.

Custom dyed Merino roving purchased from Kristin who's in the group. She sells as Allspunup on Etsy.com Great colors !! Will be interesting to see how it spins up.

See what came in the mail today from my e-mail buddy Ulla ! We met in 1994 when I was trying to research the surname Winroth. Her name popped up in the search engine. We are not related but have been writing ever since. She lives in Örebro with her sambo Calle. She always finds her cute Christmas presents at area craft fairs, wanting to support the local artisans. Calle's ancestral home is in Järvsö. We met them on our trip in 2006. It was great to finally meet after corresponding so long.
It's wonderful how the Internet can bring people together from across the globe.

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