Picture taken by Lee on San Juan Island 2006
A heart's sunset
Out over the ocean, its waves are silent where they lay; a magnificent orange orb of fire drops down to be swallowed by the ocean.
The orb's spears of light slice through the water.
Down and deeper it cuts
This is the magnificent beauty of the sunset.
Everyone has one in there heart.
Can you find your sunset?
A priceless sight that the heart can conjure,
as the orb seeps below the horizon, to the signify the dawning of the new day.
The new day will bring new changes and people.......
Natalie Vail
Pictures courtesy of the Center for Whale Research

Psalm 104:25-26
25 There is the sea, vast and spacious,
teeming with creatures beyond number—
living things both large and small.
26 There the ships go to and fro,
and the leviathan, which you formed to frolic there.
Psaltaren 104:25-26
25 Se ock havet, det stora och vida:
ett tallöst vimmel rör sig däri,
djur både stora och små.
26 Där gå skeppen sin väg fram,
Leviatan, som du har skapat att leka däri
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