You don't have to be Nordic to knit Nordic !
51% Swedish with a splash of Finnish and proud of it !
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Yarn Train
Carol, her faithful companion.
Morgen and Debbie
The ever smiling Kitty, a Knit Cafe' alum.
Linda and Jane
Kristin and her mom.
The wall of Koigu at Knit Purl
The shawl kit on the left was purchased by many, made of two types of lovely Shibui yarn
Katie who composed the wonderful "Train Song" which we all serenaded our fellow passengers with !
Yarn Train
Yarn Train Live
Waiting outside Voodoo Donut's with Debbie and Kitty. It was an hour in line before we could get inside to buy some of their tasty and trademark confections. Number one on the list was an actual "Voodoo" donut complete with a stickpin pretzel to curse some unlucky "b-----d" ! To think that donuts could inspire such devotion from fans around the world ! I was twice as lucky as Charisa had arranged to have their famous Bacon and Maple Bars delivered to the train station. Pretty good for how it sounds !
For more detailed stories of hijinks's upon the train see
The Knitting Mama
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tusen Takk !
Thank you very much Liv, for the sample of Junik, the Faroese yarn you sent me, so I could see what it is like. Check out her Hobbyblog to see all the wonderful things she has created. I'm bringing the sample to the next Knit Cafe' for all to see. It's always fun to see Nordic yarns that are new to us.

I can't wait to see this beautiful country, meet fellow knitters, and learn more about their traditions. Evelyn will be teaching a class on Icelandic Lace knitting, amongst the many other things we will be doing. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Photos courtesy of Evelyn Clark Designs
Friday, January 01, 2010
OMG again !!
Anna modeled this for me on Christmas Eve. We had a wonderful time at my sister Tina's house eating our traditional Swedish foods and opening presents.
My parent's nine grandchilden in order by age - Will, Anna, Elisabeth, Alex, Ryan, Marc, Jessa, Grant, and James. It took awhile to get these pictures taken as they wouldn't stop goofing off which recalled " The longer you do this, the longer you'll have to stand there", echoes from our parental past ! It is so wonderful to have us all together here in the Seattle area to share the holidays.
Jessa, Elisabeth, and Anna who made these yummy marzipan treats to share. It is so cute that they are so proud of their Swedish heritage.
Christmas Day was spent at our house with friends. Ryan helped make the dinner which was most appreciated by me.
Love you all !
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Spring 1996-December 21,2009
After a very brief illness, our dearest Mari passed away leaving us heartbroken. She spent thirteen wonderful, if not interesting years, with us. I adopted her from the Everett Animal Shelter where she was shivering in the corner of the pen, emaciated, and so sick. The vet figured she had been abused, abandoned, and had to eat manure just to survive. We had alot of behavior challenges ahead of us. I used to say she'd be the perfect dog if no one ever came to visit us ! She loved Anna, Ryan, and Marc so much I'd call them her "kids". She was shy, ladylike, and timid, like the whippet they thought she was partly. She certainly didn't take after the lab part as she hated water, as it's only fit to drink, not play in!
We will miss you terribly our "Woofer-woof, Martita, and Mars Bars"
"In a perfect world, every dog would have a home and every home would have a dog."
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive." - Gilda Radner
Her Journey's Just Begun
Don't think of her as gone away-
her journey has just begun
life holds many facets
the Earth is only one
Just think of her as resting
from the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days and years
Think how she must be wishing
that we could know today
how nothing but our sadness
can really pass away
And think of her as living
In the hearts of those she touched
For nothing loved is ever lost-
And she was loved so much.
- Ellen Brenneman
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Half a century
Marcus Lowe, Anna Brita, and Ryan Michael
The greatest gift that's been given to me in my lifetime are these three. They are so goofy, caring, thoughtful, and always make me laugh - such a blessing. Love you all !!
While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt
Co-workers treated me to a surprise birthday celebration at the Snoqualmie Casino where I lost $25 of my b-day money and feasted on all you can eat crab, clams, lobster, and more !
My extended family helped me celebrate on Thanksgiving with presents, and my favorite combination cake, Chocolate Raspberry Rhapsody.
Thank you so much Karen for the wonderful little trip you treated me to. We went to Winslow for two days, primarily to take a knitting workshop with Jared Flood, AKA Brooklyn Tweed
Churchmouse Yarns and Teas offered this, which included a book signing the night before with champagne and other treats. This shop is wonderful.
We ate FABULOUS foods at the Blackbird Bakery, Cafe Nola, and Harbor Public House
What a lovely young man and teacher. Friday afternoon we took his Beaumont Hat/Tam class.
Photos courtesy of Brooklyn Tweed
I finally found something I wanted to knit using the sample yarn Pam Allen sent me awhile back, Fresco, which I love. I chose the tam pattern which uses this brand of yarn anyway. So soft !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We ran up to Port Gamble which is a very quaint little town farther north. The highlight there is the very charming shop, The Artful Ewe
Such beautiful hand dyed yarns by Heidi, the owner. She has such wonderful taste in how she has set up her shop - I could stay for hours ! Of course had to buy some beautiful sock yarn (which is already buried in my house somewhere !).
Karen, you are a wonderful friend who is so generous and such fun to be around. Tusen tack !!
Heidi's young whippet. What a life staying in the lap of luxury ! I want to live in such a cozy space, sleeping on the comfy chair surrounded by beautiful things !
Just a bit of my stash. Wonderful handspun yarns by Kristin. Check out her Etsy shop
Someday, if I ever start knitting in earnest, I would love to knit Evelyn Clarks's shawl Deciduous