Thank you so much for the wonderful wristwarmers you designed-Lovely Lichen
They are great!
Sunny Barbara, dedicated museum volunteer !
Mary Ann with the hat she knit. This pattern was donated to the museum as a fundraiser by Ms. Lavold.
She also knit this lovely Lavold creation. Very pretty !
The shawl modeled by Evelyn.
Spent part of the day at the museum learning how to input data on some of the knitted pieces in the collection,first two boxes were Icelandic items. It's like a treasure hunt which I find quite fascinating ! Too bad I have to work or I'd be there almost everyday !
Signed up for a Danish cooking class with Anna Brita. Yum !
I like my barn so. Do you think the old farmers are rolling in their graves laughing at silly people like me who collect rusty farm implements, spend money on a falling down barn, and instead of something practical like cows, have miniature horses instead !
Ryan helped put this shadowbox together of items found under the floor during the renovation of the north end. It will hang out there with some other rusty items as Barn Art !
The previous owners left these very hefty parking stanchions chained to the side of the barn. I was going to put them free on Craigslist but we were joking that it's probably holding up the barn, which is leaning quite a bit to the east !

Even though the probability was high, there is no way I would have thought the barn was originally red with it's grayed out and peeling exterior. When Ry took off a board this showed thru - RED ! He is totally disgusted with me that I would even think of having it painted such an unoriginal color.