My camera has gone AWOL so I must use other resources. Hope I find it soon :(
Karen and I took a Kainu mitten class at the Museum taught by Tuulia. She hand dyed the yarns and made up kits for us to work with. It was a very enjoyable class.
The mitten I started is too big so I bought a set of half size needles to try.
(Photo courtesy of Tuulia)
Afterwards we joined the Knitters Cafe' in progress. Evelyn brought this bag to show and Karen and I fell in love with it. She found this on Etsy thru a Finnish vendor

My bag

Karen's bag

Another Etsy purchase - Celtic Knot Wool Diz
Magic Stix Fibers
All the way from Paris, France sbarao !

Check out Barbro's blog to see her cute mittens !
I'm 49 now, one year away from the big one ! Thanks, Karen, Debbie, Cindy, and my family for helping me celebrate.
Thanks Karen, for amongst other fun things,the little handcrafted sheep you made for me. (She's the one in the middle !)

Up until then it had been an emotional month of unknown reason.

Inner Turmoil Surfacing
Inner turmoil surfacing in
unexpected places while
no one sees the loneliness through
the windows. When
will the turmoil surfacing
and the questions burning
cease to undermine
what is entwined with
My tranquility? .............How
do those who claim to know
what fulfils the human soul
explain through learned verses
The truth that lies beneath the surface?
Yet those who claim to know what fulfils
This human soul, possess not
the desire or what is required to search
for the inner turmoil surfacing in
Unexpected places while
No one sees
The loneliness……..
Melanie Mohammad