I know my kids think I'm quite odd, but they are good
natured about it, making me laugh with their teasing.
Marc is wondering why I would knit a "horse" hat named
after our mini DC. He was kind enough to model it for
me though. DC is thrilled as you can tell ! He used to
be a real rascal when a baby, so his former owners
named him DC for Devil Child, I've changed it to Darn
Cute ! He is very mild- mannered. Anyway, this was the first time
I've used duplicate stitches. Still have to finish the
back. The kit came from
Kids Knits with "Dale of Norway Yarn".

Ryan, Anna, and Marc

This is the yarn Irene gave me this summer which was hand dyed by Barbro. It is very soft and the color reminds me of blackberry/raspberry swirled sorbet.
Emotional stress still has it's tentacles firmly entwined in my brain, I can only do the simplest of patterns. This too shall pass I hope.........
God has said,
"Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you. So we say with confidence,
The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"
Hebrews 13
"För Gud har sagt: Jag kommer aldrig att överge dig eller svika dig.
Det är därför som vi utan minsta tvekan eller oro kan säga: Herren hjälper mig, och jag är inte rädd för något som människor kan göra mot mig."
Hebreerbrevet 13
Thank you LJ
We had a board meeting last weekend for the Nordic Knitting Conference. There are only eight class slots open out of three hundred plus. This is very exciting !